Here is a blog devoted to HAPPINESS! Enjoy :]

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain

There is just soooo much going on in my life right now. I am dying with this whole "school" thing. I am such a mess and it doesn't help that my teachers are not great. I have mapped it all out, and I need 15 credit hours each semester and 3 summer classes next summer. Eeeeek! Help meeeee! I have to just keep telling myself ONLY 3 MORE SEMESTERS!!! I can do it! (Hopefully...)

Kristopher, you are also driving me crazy. I love you love, but really?

Ok, to be honest, I know that none of this is anyone else's fault (school or kris etc) its all in my head right? I just haven't felt like myself in awhile and I do not like it one bit. I always thought I could live on the same schedule everyday, but my goodness, I was wrong. I get up every morning feeling like I slept an hour, which is ridiculous since I get like 7 hours. (Oh anemia, could you just go away!) Then I hurry and throw on some clothes that probably don't look that great, which is another thing. (I used to be so fashionable! What happened??) Then I get to work and sit in front of the computer for 4 hours, go home feeling beyond lazy, try to change in something semi cute, do homework and eat lunch with kris, then head off to school at around 2 - 2:30. Seriously, my routine everyday. Don't get me wrong, I am soooooo incredibly greatful that I have this job and am able to go to school, but it is just not feelin right anymore.

I need something uplifting right now. If someone even just smiled at me right now, I would be so so happy. Which is why, I have found some beautiful smiles for myself and you if you need one.


Monday, July 12, 2010

In summer, the song sings itself.

Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it. -- Russel Baker

Who knows what it is about summer that just changes everything? At least for me, everything changes. The sun comes out and beckons me to feel childlike and innocent again.  I want to run around bare-footed, with only my swimsuit on, eating ice cream and watermelon with it all dripping down my face. I want to spend every second enjoying friends and family, with no worry as to what I'm going to wear or how i look, how much money I don't have, eating all sorts of sweets and delicious foods, getting tanner everyday, playing with my dogs, being with my love watching the stars and laying in the grass. I mean, something is just, different. I LOVE it. 

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Calling in sick

I've got the cold yet again. This will be the 5th time in like 2 months. SOO...instead of wallowing in a cloud of sniffles and coughs, I have thought of some extra special movies to watch while sick to bring the spirits up! Some of you may not like them, but I certainly do. Here goes....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wear Whatever

Just around the corner in every woman's mind - is a lovely dress, a wonderful suit, or entire costume which will make an enchanting new creature of her. ~Wilhela Cushman

Monday, June 7, 2010

"You make me happy, when skies are gray"

Happy Monday! I will be honest, I kind of forgot about my little "happy" project I have created here until  today and let me tell you, I was SO excited to get back to it!

I have this problem sometimes, where I get in this rut and it doesn't seem I can ever get out. I know you know what I am talking about! I'll start thinking about something that Really Really angers me and I can't stop and I just get worse and worse and ooh it is no good. However, I have been soooo much better about bringing myself back up and thinking about something happy and bright and positive! One of the things that helps is to think about how much I have to be grateful for. Or looking outside at the beautiful trees and flowers and SUNSHINE. Or looking at my family and realizing how lucky I am to be a part of it. AND of course being amazingly happy I have Kris. :]

So then, dear friends, What do YOU have to be graetful for?

About Me

My photo
Gilbert, AZ, United States
Lately, I have been overwhelmed with unhappiness. Not mine, for I am happy! But for real, if you want to be happy, just be! Wear fun make-up, dress funky, read a good book, dance in the rain, sing like no one is listening! I devote this blog to everything and anything that makes me smile, and hopefully make you smile too! :]
